Useful information

Our online store is opened from Monday to Thursday between 9am and 4.30pm and on Fridays between 9am and 1pm.

In case your password is rejected during log in, please click ''Forgot Your Password''. You will immediately receive a temporary password to your e-mail address. You can then sign in with temporary password; we suggest you change your password right after (you can choose any password). Also, please check your other personal data in your profile account. We believe you will use the online store more often and more easily.

The solutions of the most common problems are listed below. If the problem persists please select one of the options:

  • For information regards prices, delivery and orders please call 00386 1 530 44 08 or 00386 51 397 999
  • For technical problems please call 00386 40 376 607
  • Send an e-mail to


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q: I forgot my password
A: Click on ‘’Forgot Your Password’’ and enter your e-mail address, which was used for registration. You will then receive a temporary password via e-mail; we suggest you change it right after first successful log in. In case you haven’t changed the temporary password and your account has been abused, we are not responsible for the difficulties encountered.

Q: I already have a valid username and password, but I can’t log in.
A: Try to restart your browser and delete ‘’cookies’’ in your browser. If the problem persists try running application in another browser.

Q: I received purchase confirmation. Can I pay the order via online banking?
A: Yes.

Q: Some elements on the website are not displayed correctly.
A: The website should be properly displayed in all newer browsers, so we recommend that you occasionally update your browser (important for safety reasons). Nevertheless, it is possible that an error occurs. In this case please contact us. We will appreciate each note.