18 g, Pontificate of Pope Francis - Canonization of Paul VI and Anniversary of the deaths of John Paul I

Purity: 925

Strike year: 2018

Preservation grade*: PP

Origin: Vatican

Mass: 18 g

Silver content: 16,65 g

Face value: 5 EUR

Mintage: 4.499

More details


Forty years after the deaths of Pope John Paul I and Pope Paul VI, the Church will proceed with the canonization of Giovanni Battista Montini, successor of Peter from 1963 to 1978, who was succeeded by Albino Luciani, Bishop of Rome for only 33 days. Both were protagonists during difficult times, but ones rich in social and cultural developments. Both gave their support to the people of God with their strength and the courage of their spirits, coherent and faithful to the doctrine of the universal Church. Their lives and service as Vicars of Jesus Christ marked important chapters in the history of Christian witness and offered a humble and sublime message. The Philatelic Office celebrates this anniversary and the splendid gift of the recognition of the holiness of Pope Paul VI with the issue of the 5 and 10 Euro Silver Coins, designed respectively by Patrizio Daniele and Mariangela Crisciotti.

Purity 925/1000
Delivery On stock
Tax The tax for gold and silver coins is accounted from the difference in price on 102. and 104. article in ZDDV-1 and is on 110. article in ZDDV-1 not shown on the invoice.
Preservation PP: Proof coin struck using a special, high-quality minting process, and made especially for collectors. Modern proof coins often have mirror-like fields and frosted devices.