622,07 g, Vienna Philharmonic Gold Coin 2009 - Anniversary edition

The Vienna Philharmonic Gold Coin is struck since 1989 in pure gold (999,9/1000). The obverse of the coin depicts the great organ in Vienna's concert hall. The obverse shows a harmonious medley of musical instruments. The 20 troy ounce coin was issued in 2009 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vienna Philharmonic Coin. These coins are officialy sold out.

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59 828,15 €

Mint Münze Österreich, Austria
Purity 999,9 / 1000
Dimensions (diameter) 74,0 mm
Face Value EUR 2000
Gold Content 622,07 g (20 Troy Ounces)
Mass    622,07 g
Purity 999,9/1000
Delivery On stock
Tax Based on Art. 118 and Art. 119 of Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1) bullion gold is exempted from VAT in Slovenia.
Mint Austrian Mint