7 g, 400. obletnica bitke pri Sisku (1993) **


Masa 7 g
Čistina 900 / 1000
Vsebnost zlata 6,3 g
Mera kovanca (premer) 24 mm
Nominala 5000 tolarjev
Leto kovanja 1993
Naklada    4.000 kovancev

Vir: Banka Slovenije

V zgodovini slovenskega naroda je mnogo pomembnih dogodkov, ki zaslužijo širšo pozornost. Mednje sodi tudi letošnja 400. obletnica zmage krščanske vojske nad Turki pri Sisku leta 1593.
S to bitko se je končala dolgoletna nevarnost pred turškimi vpadi v Evropo, ki je ovirala razvoj tedanje kranjske dežele. Slovenski vitezi s svojimi vojščaki niso omahovali, ko je številčno močnejša turška vojska ogrožala Sisek, ki se je junaško branil pred napadi. Trdnjava na sotočju Save in Kolpe je predstavljala pomembno strateško oporišče na vratih Evrope. Slovenske čete, ki sta jih vodila Andrej grof Turjaški in Adam plemeniti Ravbar, so skupaj s hrvaškimi bojevniki 22. junija 1593 dosegle prepričljivo zmago. Bitka pri Sisku ostaja eno najuspešnejših dejanj v stoletnih bojih s Turki.
V spomin na ta dogodek izdaja Republika Slovenija tudi zlat priložnostni kovanec. Na kovancu so upodobljeni priložnostni motivi, ki simbolizirajo zgodovinsko zmago, s katero je bila pred Turki rešena vsa tedanja Evropa:

  • zlatnik z nominalno vrednostjo 5.000 tolarjev, težo 7 gramov in premerom 24 milimetrov, čistine 900/1000, v količini do največ 4.000 kovancev.

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400 years anniversary of the battle at Sisak (1993)

In the history of the Slovene nation there have been significant events which deserve to be particularly commemorated. Among them, there is the victory of Christian troops over the Turks in the battle fought in 1593 at Sisak, which means that to this year 1993, 400 years have elapsed since that event.

The battle in question ended many years´ threat of Turkish forays into Europe which hindered development of the then Carniola. Slovene knights, together with their troops did not retreat when numerically superior Turkish troops were assaulting the city of Sisak which was courageously repelling their attacks.

The fortress, located at the confluence of the rivers Sava and Kolpa was an important strategic point on the outskirts of Europe. Slovene troops, which were led by Andrej, count of Turjak and by Adam Ravbar, a nobleman, together with Croatian troops won on 22nd June 1593 a convincing victory.
The battle of Sisak remains one of the most famous exploits of the Slovene nation in its centuries-long engagement with the Turks. To commemorate this anniversary, the Republic of Slovenia has decided to issue the memorial coins. On the coins are depicted the motifs that symbolise that splendid historic victory by which, practically, the whole of the then Europe was relieved of great danger:

  • a gold coin with a nominal value of 5.000 tolars, a weight of 7 grams, a diameter of 24 mm and a purity of 900/1000; the total quantity struck not to exceed 4.000 pieces.

Author of the rough-cast design: Danilo Riznar, Ljubljana.
Modelling and medallist workmanship: Vincenc Vipotnik
Pruduction and mintage: International Company Zlatarna Celje (gold coins and silver coins)

Čistina 900/1000
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